Current Standings (last updated on Thursday, October 8)
1st – The Blands (5-1, 137 total kicks)
2nd – Dynamos (5-1, 146 total kicks)
3rd – Ace Kickers (4-2, 163 total kicks)
4th – The Strikers (3-3, 170 total kicks)
5th – C & K & J (3-3, 173 total kicks)
6th – Shake ‘n Bake (3-3, 175 total kicks)
7th – Still Kickin’ (3-3, 183 total kicks)
8th – Twinkle Toes (1-5, 206 total kicks)
9th – Soccer Rocket (0-6, 242 total kicks)
The league standings are first determined by your team’s record. When there’s a tie, we will then use total strokes, which will be cumulative each week. In other words, the less kicks your team needs to sink the ball, the better you will rank in the standings.
Week 7 Results (Captain’s Choice)
C & K & J (24) defeated Twinkle Toes (37)
Still Kickin’ (26) defeated Soccer Rocket (35)
Dynamos (23) defeated Shake ‘n Bake (25)
The Blands (21) defeated C & K & J (24)
BYE – The Strikers, Ace Kickers
Week 6 Results (Alternating Shot)
Dynamos (25) defeated Soccer Rocket (44)
Shake ‘n Bake (31) defeated Twinkle Toes (38)
Ace Kickers (24) defeated Still Kickin’ (37)
Ace Kickers (29) defeated The Strikers (29) in overtime
BYE – The Blands
Week 5 Results (Captain’s Choice)
Ace Kickers (29) defeated Twinkle Toes (32)
The Strikers (25) defeated Soccer Rocket (38)
Shake ‘n Bake (25) defeated C & K & J (27)
Dynamos (23) defeated The Blands (24)
BYE – Still Kickin’
Week 4 Results (Alternating Shot)
Dynamos (23) defeated Still Kickin’ (32)
The Blands (25) defeated Shake ‘n Bake (35)
Ace Kickers (32) defeated C & K & J (37)
The Strikers (29) Twinkle Toes (36)
BYE – Soccer Rocket
Week 3 Results (Captain’s Choice)
Still Kickin’ (28) defeated Twinkle Toes (29)
C & K & J (28) defeated Soccer Rocket (39)
Shake ‘n Bake (24) defeated Ace Kickers (24) in overtime
The Blands (22) defeated The Strikers (28)
Week 2 Results (Alternating Shot)
Twinkle Toes (34) defeated Soccer Rocket (42)
C & K & J (33) defeated Soccer Rocket (44)
Still Kickin’ (32) defeated The Strikers (32) in overtime
The Blands (26) defeated the Dynamos (29)
The Strikers (27) defeated Shake ‘n Bake (35)
Week 1 Results (Captain’s Choice)
The Blands (19) defeat Still Kickin’ (28)
Dynamos (23) defeat Ace Kickers (25)